Get a tidy data frame of classifications of all functions used in your analysis

get_classifications(lexicon = NULL, include_duplicates = TRUE)



Character. The classification lexicon to retrieve. Either "crowdsource" or "leeklab". If NULL (default), will return all lexicons.


Logical. Indicates whether to include all functions and classifications along with their score (default, TRUE) - this may result in multiple lines (with multiple classifications) for a single function. If FALSE, the most prevalent classification will be selected.


A tbl_df with columns:

  • func: the function

  • classification: the classification

If include_duplicates = TRUE, will include a column:

  • score: the score

If lexicon is NULL, will include a column:

  • lexicon: the classification lexicon


# Get a data frame of all classifications get_classifications()
#> # A tibble: 4,181 x 4 #> lexicon func classification score #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 crowdsource - data cleaning 0.386 #> 2 crowdsource - visualization 0.174 #> 3 crowdsource - modeling 0.159 #> 4 crowdsource - evaluation 0.102 #> 5 crowdsource - exploratory 0.0833 #> 6 crowdsource - setup 0.0458 #> 7 crowdsource - import 0.0367 #> 8 crowdsource - communication 0.0133 #> 9 crowdsource : data cleaning 0.458 #> 10 crowdsource : exploratory 0.115 #> # … with 4,171 more rows
# Get a data frame of the most prevalent classifications get_classifications(include_duplicates = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 1,957 x 3 #> lexicon func classification #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 crowdsource - data cleaning #> 2 crowdsource : data cleaning #> 3 crowdsource :: data cleaning #> 4 crowdsource := data cleaning #> 5 crowdsource ! data cleaning #> 6 crowdsource != data cleaning #> 7 crowdsource . data cleaning #> 8 crowdsource .libPaths setup #> 9 crowdsource ( data cleaning #> 10 crowdsource [ data cleaning #> # … with 1,947 more rows
# Get a data frame of only `leeklab` classifications get_classifications("leeklab")
#> # A tibble: 642 x 3 #> func classification score #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 %% data cleaning 1 #> 2 %>% data cleaning 0.864 #> 3 %>% exploratory 0.0909 #> 4 %>% setup 0.0455 #> 5 %in% data cleaning 1 #> 6 %within% data cleaning 1 #> 7 abline evaluation 1 #> 8 abs data cleaning 0.667 #> 9 abs modeling 0.333 #> 10 exploratory 1 #> # … with 632 more rows