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Provides a plot of the community graphs, with connected components of the graph of strong ties colored by connected component.


  show_labels = TRUE,
  only_strong = FALSE,
  emph_strong = 2,
  edge_width_factor = 50,
  colors = NULL,



A cohesion_matrix object, a matrix of cohesion values (see cohesion_matrix).


Set to FALSE to omit vertex labels (to display a subset of labels, use optional parameter vertex.label to modify the label list). Default: TRUE.


Set to TRUE if only strong ties, G_strong, should be displayed; the default FALSE will show both strong (colored by connected component) and weak ties (in gray).


Numeric. The numeric factor by which the edge widths of strong ties are emphasized in the display; the default is 2.


Numeric. Modify to change displayed edge widths. Default: 50.


A vector of display colors, if none is given a default list (of length 24) is provided.


Optional parameters to pass to the igraph::plot.igraph. function. Some commonly passed arguments include:

  • layout A layout for the graph. If none is specified, FR-graph drawing algorithm is used.

  • vertex.label A vector containing label names. If none is given, the rownames of c are used

  • vertex.size A numeric value for vertex size (default = 1)

  • vertex.color.vec A vector of color names for coloring the vertices

  • vertex.label.cex A numeric value for modifying the vertex label size. (default = 1)


A plot of the community graphs.


Plots the community graph, G, with the sub-graph of strong ties emphasized and colored by connected component. If no layout is provided, the Fruchterman-Reingold (FR) graph drawing algorithm is used. Note that the FR graph drawing algorithm may provide a somewhat different layout each time it is run. You can also access and save a given graph layout using community_graphs(C)$layout. The example below shows how to display only a subset of vertex labels.

Note that the parameter emph_strong is for visualization purposes only and does not influence the network layout.


C <- cohesion_matrix(dist(exdata1))
plot_community_graphs(C, emph_strong = 1, layout = as.matrix(exdata1))

plot_community_graphs(C, only_strong = TRUE)

C2 <- cohesion_matrix(cognate_dist)
subset_lang_names <- rownames(C2)
subset_lang_names[sample(1:87, 60)] <- ""
plot_community_graphs(C2, vertex.label = subset_lang_names, vertex.size = 3)