The Whole Game

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan

  1. Specify causal question (e.g. target trial)
  2. Draw assumptions (causal diagram)
  3. Model assumptions (e.g. propensity score)
  4. Analyze propensities (diagnostics)
  5. Estimate causal effects (e.g. IPW)
  6. Sensitivity analysis (tipping points)

We’ll focus on the broader ideas behind each step and what they look like all together; we don’t expect you to fully digest each idea. We’ll spend the rest of the class taking up each step in detail

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

Malaria and its Impact

  • Malaria remains a significant public health concern
  • Six countries (Nigeria, DRC, Uganda, Mozambique, Angola, Burkina Faso) saw nearly 50% of all malaria deaths
  • Most fatalities happened among children under 5

Role of Bed Nets

  • Bed nets are vital in preventing malaria
  • They create a barrier against mosquito bites, the main carriers of malaria parasites
  • Several randomized studies have shown that bed nets reduce the risk of malaria

Historical Use of Bed Nets

Herodotus noted Egyptians using fishing nets as bed nets in the 5th century BC

Photograph by Marie-Lan Nguyen / CC BY 2.5

Against the gnats, which are very abundant, they have contrived as follows:—those who dwell above the fen-land are helped by the towers, to which they ascend when they go to rest; for the gnats by reason of the winds are not able to fly up high: but those who dwell in the fen-land have contrived another way instead of the towers, and this is it:—every man of them has got a casting net, with which by day he catches fish, but in the night he uses it for this purpose, that is to say he puts the casting-net round about the bed in which he sleeps, and then creeps in under it and goes to sleep: and the gnats, if he sleeps rolled up in a garment or a linen sheet, bite through these, but through the net they do not even attempt to bite


Imagine we are at a time before trials on this subject, and let’s say people have started to use bed nets for this purpose on their own.

Our goal may still be to conduct a randomized trial, but we can answer questions more quickly with observed data.

Sometimes, it is also not ethical to conduct a trial.

For example, what if we wanted to ask: does malaria control in early childhood result in delayed immunity to the disease, resulting in severe malaria or death later in life?

Since we now know bed net use is very effective, withholding nets would be unethical.

Specifiying the causal question

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

Specifiying the causal question

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

  • What do we mean by “bed net”?
  • There are several types of nets: untreated bed nets, insecticide-treated bed nets, and newer long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets.

Specifiying the causal question

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

  • Risk compared to what?
  • Are we, for instance, comparing insecticide-treated bed nets to no net? Untreated nets? Or are we comparing a new type of net, like long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, to nets that are already in use?

Specifiying the causal question

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

  • Risk as defined by what?
  • Whether or not a person contracted malaria?
  • Whether a person died of malaria?

Specifiying the causal question

Does using a bed net reduce the risk of malaria?

  • Among whom?
  • What is the population to which we’re trying to apply this knowledge?
  • Who is it practical to include in our study?
  • Who might we need to exclude?

Does using insecticide-treated bed nets decrease the risk of contracting malaria among households in country X?

The Data

We are using data that was simulated by Dr. Andrew Heiss

researchers are interested in whether using mosquito nets decreases an individual’s risk of contracting malaria. They have collected data from 1,752 households in an unnamed country and have variables related to environmental factors, individual health, and household characteristics. The data is not experimental—researchers have no control over who uses mosquito nets, and individual households make their own choices over whether to apply for free nets or buy their own nets, as well as whether they use the nets if they have them.

The Data

skim_variable logical.mean logical.count
net 0.25913 FAL: 1298, TRU: 454
eligible 0.02055 FAL: 1716, TRU: 36
skim_variable numeric.mean numeric.hist
id 876.5000 505.9032 ▇▇▇▇▇
net_num 0.2591 0.4383 ▇▁▁▁▃
malaria_risk 39.6678 15.3716 ▃▇▅▂▁
income 897.7614 191.2374 ▁▅▇▅▁
health 50.2123 19.3482 ▂▆▇▅▁
household 2.9680 1.4066 ▇▇▂▁▁
temperature 23.9275 4.0959 ▃▇▇▇▃
insecticide_resistance 50.0782 14.4438 ▁▅▇▃▁

draw your assumptions

In words

  • Malaria risk is causally impacted by net usage, income, health, temperature, and insecticide resistance.
  • Net usage is causally impacted by income, health, temperature, eligibility for the free net program, and the number of people in a household.
  • Eligibility for the free net programs is determined by income and the number of people in a household.
  • Health is causally impacted by income.

What do I need to control for?

Multivariable regression: what’s the association?

  malaria_risk ~ net + income + health + temperature, 
  data = net_data 
) |>
  tidy( = TRUE) |>
  filter(term == "netTRUE")
# A tibble: 1 × 7
  term    estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 netTRUE    -12.0     0.314     -38.2 2.69e-232
  conf.low conf.high
     <dbl>     <dbl>
1    -12.6     -11.4

model your assumptions

counterfactual: what if everyone used a net vs. what if no one used a net

Fit propensity score model

propensity_model <- glm(
  net ~ income + health + temperature,
  data = net_data,
  family = binomial()

# the first six propensity scores
head(predict(propensity_model, type = "response"))
     1      2      3      4      5      6 
0.2464 0.2178 0.3230 0.2307 0.2789 0.3060 

Calculate inverse probability weights

net_data_wts <- propensity_model |>
  augment(newdata = net_data, type.predict = "response") |>
  # .fitted is the value predicted by the model
  # for a given observation
  mutate(wts = wt_ate(.fitted, net))

net_data_wts |>
  select(net, .fitted, wts)
# A tibble: 1,752 × 3
   net   .fitted   wts
   <lgl>   <dbl> <dbl>
 1 FALSE   0.246  1.33
 2 FALSE   0.218  1.28
 3 FALSE   0.323  1.48
 4 FALSE   0.231  1.30
 5 FALSE   0.279  1.39
 6 FALSE   0.306  1.44
 7 FALSE   0.332  1.50
 8 FALSE   0.168  1.20
 9 FALSE   0.222  1.29
10 FALSE   0.255  1.34
# ℹ 1,742 more rows

diagnose your model assumptions

What’s the distribution of weights?

What are the weights doing to the sample?

estimate the causal effects

Estimate causal effect with IPW

ipw_estimate <- net_data_wts |>
  lm(malaria_risk ~ net, data = _, weights = wts) |>
  tidy( = TRUE) |>
  filter(term == "netTRUE")

Estimate causal effect with IPW

# A tibble: 1 × 7
  term    estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 netTRUE    -12.5     0.624     -20.1 5.50e-81
  conf.low conf.high
     <dbl>     <dbl>
1    -13.8     -11.3

Let’s fix our confidence intervals with robust SEs!

# also see robustbase, survey, gee, and others
ipw_model_robust <- lm_robust( 
  malaria_risk ~ net,
  data = net_data_wts, 
  weights = wts 

ipw_estimate_robust <- ipw_model_robust |>
  tidy( = TRUE) |>
  filter(term == "netTRUE")

Let’s fix our confidence intervals with robust SEs!

# A tibble: 1 × 9
  term    estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 netTRUE    -12.5     0.757     -16.6 2.36e-57
  conf.low conf.high    df outcome     
     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       
1    -14.0     -11.1  1750 malaria_risk

Let’s fix our confidence intervals with the bootstrap!

# fit ipw model for a single bootstrap sample
fit_ipw_not_quite_rightly <- function(split, ...) { 
  # get bootstrapped data sample with `rsample::analysis()`
  .df <- analysis(split)
  # fit ipw model
  lm(malaria_risk ~ net, data = .df, weights = wts) |>

fit_ipw <- function(split, ...) {
  .df <- analysis(split)
  # fit propensity score model
  propensity_model <- glm(
    net ~ income + health + temperature, 
    family = binomial(), 
    data = .df
  # calculate inverse probability weights
  .df <- propensity_model |>
    augment(type.predict = "response", data = .df) |>
    mutate(wts = wt_ate(.fitted, net))
  # fit correctly bootstrapped ipw model
  lm(malaria_risk ~ net, data = .df, weights = wts) |>

Using {rsample} to bootstrap our causal effect

# fit ipw model to bootstrapped samples
ipw_results <- bootstraps(net_data_wts, 1000, apparent = TRUE) |>
  mutate(results = map(splits, fit_ipw)) 

Using {rsample} to bootstrap our causal effect

# get t-statistic-based CIs
boot_estimate <- int_t(ipw_results, results) |> 
  filter(term == "netTRUE")


Using {rsample} to bootstrap our causal effect

# A tibble: 1 × 6
  term    .lower .estimate .upper .alpha .method  
  <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>    
1 netTRUE  -13.4     -12.5  -11.7   0.05 student-t

Our causal effect estimate: -13.4 (95% CI -12.5, -11.6)

sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

tipping_points <- tip_coef(boot_estimate$.upper, exposure_confounder_effect = 1:5)

More specific sensitivity analysis

  • People with this genetic resistance have, on average, about 10 units lower malaria risk.
  • About 26% of people who use nets in our study have this genetic resistance.
  • About 5% of people who don’t use nets have this genetic resistance.

More specific sensitivity analysis

adjusted_estimates <- boot_estimate |>
  select(.estimate, .lower, .upper) |>
  unlist() |>
    exposed_confounder_prev = 0.26,
    unexposed_confounder_prev = 0.05,
    confounder_outcome_effect = -10

# A tibble: 3 × 4
  effect_adjusted effect_observed
            <dbl>           <dbl>
1          -10.4            -12.5
2          -11.3            -13.4
3           -9.58           -11.7
  exposure_confounder_effect confounder_outcome_effect
                       <dbl>                     <dbl>
1                       0.21                       -10
2                       0.21                       -10
3                       0.21                       -10


  • The unmeasured confounder is in net_data_full as genetic_resistance.
  • If we recalculate the IPW estimate of the average treatment effect of nets on malaria risk, we get -10.2 (95% CI -11.2, -9.4), much closer to the actual answer of -10.

  1. Specified a causal question (for the average treatment effect)
  2. Drew our assumptions using a causal diagram (using DAGs)
  3. Modeled our assumptions (using propensity score weighting)
  4. Diagnosed our models (by checking confounder balance after weighting)
  5. Estimated the causal effect (using inverse probability weighting)
  6. Conducted sensitivity analysis on the effect estimate (using tipping point analysis)

Check out Chapter 2 of Causal Inference in R