Target Trials

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan

Randomized trials


  • Purpose of Randomization: Solves key issues in causal inference
    • Consistency
    • Positivity
    • Does not address interference

Ideal vs Realizstic Randomized Trials

  • Ideal Randomized Trials
    • Achieve exchangeability
  • Realistic Randomized Trials
    • May violate exchangeability with non-adherence / dropout

Assumption Ideal Randomized Trial Realistic Randomized Trial Observational Study
Consistency (Well defined exposure) 😄 😄 🤷
Consistency (No interference) 🤷 🤷 🤷
Positivity 😄 😄 🤷
Exchangeability 😄 🤷 🤷

Study Protocol

  1. Eligibility criteria
  2. Exposure definition
  3. Assignment procedures
  4. Follow-up period
  5. Outcome definition
  6. Causal contrast of interest
  7. Analysis plan

Protcol elements mapped to assumptions

Assumption Eligibility Criteria Exposure Definition Assignment Procedures Follow-up Period Outcome Definition Causal contrast Analysis Plan
Consistency (Well defined exposure) ✔️
Consistency (No interference) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Positivity ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Exchangeability ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Mapped to diagraming causal claims

Target Trials

Target Trials

  • There are many reasons why randomization may not be possible
    • it might not be ethical to randomly assign people to a particular exposure
    • there may not be funding available
    • there might not be enough time to conduct a full trial

Target Trial

  • In these situations, we rely on observational data to help us answer causal questions by implementing a target trial
  • A target trial answers: What experiment would you design if you could?

Let’s try a simple example

# A tibble: 10,000 × 3
   confounder exposure outcome
        <int>    <int>   <dbl>
 1          0        0 -0.804 
 2          0        0 -1.06  
 3          1        1 -0.0354
 4          1        1 -0.186 
 5          0        0 -0.500 
 6          1        1  0.475 
 7          1        0  0.698 
 8          1        0  1.47  
 9          1        0  0.752 
10          0        0  1.26  
# ℹ 9,990 more rows

Let’s try a simple example

  1. Eligibility criteria: everyone
  2. Exposure definition: exposed = 1 vs exposed = 0
  3. Assignment procedures: people who have confounder = 1 are more likely to be exposed
  4. Follow-up period: (until outcome observed)
  5. Outcome definition: outcome
  6. Causal contrast of interest: \(\textrm{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)]\)
  7. Analysis plan: stratified analysis

Let’s try a simple example

  1. Eligibility criteria: everyone
  2. Exposure definition: exposed = 1 vs exposed = 0
  3. Assignment procedures: people who have confounder = 1 are more likely to be exposed
  4. Follow-up period: (until outcome observed)
  5. Outcome definition: outcome
  6. Causal contrast of interest: \(\textrm{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)]\)
  7. Analysis plan: stratified analysis

Causal Diagram

Application Exercise

Find your starter repo on sta-779-s23 that starts with appex-02

  1. Run the sim code chunk to run the simulation
  2. What is the probability that exposure = 1 given confounder = 1?
  3. What is the probability that exposure = 0 given confounder = 1
  4. What is the difference in the average outcome between exposure groups?

Application Exercise

  1. Stratify by confounder and calculate the average difference between exposure group within each stratum
  2. Compare this to the “Truth” from the simulation
