Award-winning actor, rapper, and producer Ice-T unveils a compelling memoir of his early life robbing jewelry stores until he found fame and fortune—while a handful of bad choices sent his former crime partner down an incredibly different path.
flowchart LR A{Ice-T} --> |observed| B(Abandons criminal life) A -.-> |missing counterfactual| C(Does one more heist) C -.-> D[35 years in prison] B --> E[Fame & Fortune] classDef grey fill:#ddd class D,C grey
flowchart LR A{Spike} -.-> |missing counterfactual| B(Abandons criminal life) A --> |observed| C(Does one more heist) C --> D[35 years in prison] B -.-> E[Fame & Fortune] classDef grey fill:#ddd class E,B grey
Slides by Dr. Lucy D’Agostino McGowan