Lab 04 - Whole Game
Getting Started
Clone the repository
Go to our class’s GitHub organization sta-779-sf23
Find the GitHub repository (which we’ll refer to as “repo” going forward) for this lab,
. This repo contains a template you can build on to complete your assignment.
- On GitHub, click on the green Clone or download button, select Use HTTPS (this might already be selected by default, and if it is, you’ll see the text Clone with HTTPS as in the image below). Click on the clipboard icon to copy the repo URL.
- Go to RStudio Click File > New Project > Version Control > Git. In “Repository URL”, paste the URL of your GitHub repository. It will be something like
Using the nhefs
dataset from the causaldata
package, complete a full analysis estimating the causal effect of quitting smoking on a participants weight in 1982. Your analysis should include the following components:
- A clearly defined causal question, including an explanation of the estimand of interest (you may chose your own based on how you define your causal question)
- A proposed DAG
- Appropriate handling of any missing data
- A propensity score model
- Appropriate Tables, Figures, etc to explain the population you are drawing inference on
- Appropriate checks for the propensity score model
- Appropriate incorporation of the propensity score in the outcome model, including uncertainty estimates
- An explanation of the effect
- A sensitivity analysis to unmeasured confounding
This should be written up as a report where you describe each step in words and what you found.